Oliver Stone wird ZFF-Jurypräsident, aber...

Wie das Zurich Film Festival bekannt gab, ist Oliver Stone der diesjährige Jurypräsident: Leider ist der bekannte Filmregisseur in jüngster Zeit auch mit ziemlich irritierenden, und wohlwollenden Aussagen gegenüber Russlands Anti-Gay-Propagandagesetz aufgefallen.

So kritisierte er laut dem Transkript seines Interviews mit Vladimir Putin die Akzeptanz gegenüber LGBTI+ in den USA und lobte dafür den russischen Ansatz, sprich, er nannte das Anti-Gay-Propagandagesetz einen vernünftigen Weg:

Oliver Stone: As you know, I’ve been very rebel all my life. Still am. And I have to tell you, I’m shocked by some of the behaviours and the thinking of the new generation. It takes so much for granted. And so much of the argument, so much of the thinking, so much of the newspaper, television commentaries about gender, people identify themselves, and social media, this and that, I’m male, I’m female, I’m transgender, I’m cisgender. It goes on forever, and there is a big fight about who is who. It seems like we miss the bigger point. 

Vladimir Putin: They live too well. They have nothing to think about. 

Oliver Stone: Yeah, but it’s not a healthy culture. 

Vladimir Putin: Well, yes. 

Oliver Stone: Years ago when we were talking about homosexuality, you said that in Russia we don’t propagate it. 

Vladimir Putin: Not exactly. We have a law banning propaganda among minors. 

Oliver Stone: Yes, that’s the one I’m talking about. It seems like maybe that’s a sensible law. 

Vladimir Putin: It is aimed at allowing people to reach maturity and then decide who they are and how they want to live. There are no restrictions at all after this.

Das Transkript des gesamten Interviews kannst Du hier nachlesen: Link

Oliver Stone wird ZFF-Jurypräsident, aber...