Watch: Celine meets Celine meets Celine

Was für eine Überraschung für Celine Dion: Während ihrem Konzert im Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, wurde sie von den Drag Queens Tina Burner und Bootsie LeFaris überrascht, welche im selben roten Dress im Publikum auf sich aufmerksam machten, wie Celine selber es auf der Bühne trug... und die richtige Celine hat sich sichtlich amüsiert ob ihren Doppelgängerinnen...
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Last night my dreams came true . A surreal moment shared with a living legend and icon Celine Dion . @celinedion is a true artist whose voice is unmatched . The fact that she is so real and genuine only emphasizes her true beauty . As a boy growing up I could never imagine meeting one of my idols especially dressed as her . Thank you @thechelseapiers for not only sharing in a memory that will carry with me always but giving me a Celine Dion fantasy hair moment . Our friendship has come full circle and it makes me so happy. Thank you @daviddalrympleinc for recreating a beautiful dress 👗 Thank you @therealegypt for adding that extra sparkle . I am a firm believer of putting everything out in the universe and daring to ask it to come true . As always thanks to everyone for their love and support . Pop by @therapy_nyc tonight for @rupaulsdragrace to get all the extra details from last nights dream Lastly thanks again @celinedion for giving this little gay boy the COURAGE to be his only authentic self . . #tinaburner #celinedion #rpdr #courage #feeltheburn #amomentintime #thepoweroflove #myheartwillgoon #imalive #turnitandburnit #reddress #hifive #icon #hothothot #drag #nyc #nycdrag #nycdragqueen #dream #gaynightlife #lgbtq🌈 #queer

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