Watch: Ellen lädt Gospel-Sängerin aus

Bei Homophobie kennt Ellen DeGeneres verständlicherweise kein Pardon: So hat sie nun via Twitter verkündet, dass sie kurzerhand die berühmte Gospel-Sängerin Kim Burrell aus ihrer Sendung ausgeladen habe. Sie hätte mit Pharrell Williams und Janelle Monae zusammen ihren gemeinsamen Song aus dem Film "Hidden Figures" im Studio performen sollen.

Der Grund: Es ist ein Video aufgetaucht wie Kim Burrell in einer Kirche aufs Übelste über Homosexualität herzieht. Sowohl Janelle, wie auch Pharrell haben sich mittlerweile in aller Deutlichkeit von der Sängerin distanziert. Burrell wiederum versucht sich derzeit in zahlreichen Live-Posts mit Schadensbegrenzung und Schönfärberei...


I shouldn't even have to post this as you guys should already know where I stand but If you do not pls know I unequivocally repudiate ANY AND ALL hateful comments against the LGBTQ community. Actually I'm tired of that label. We all belong to the same community, a shared community called humanity. And today and tomorrow and the next day I will continue to stand with other like minded people who condemn any and all statements and actions that would seek to deny the basic humanity of our fellow brothers and sisters. We cannot sit Idly by nor will we speak silently when we are confronted with such violence against members of our community. I am personally beyond exhausted by the ignorance and bigotry living in some people. At times I want to punch and I want to slap a lot of people when I read and hear the shit that comes out their mouthes !!! I will rejoice when folks stop thinking they ARE GOD, Jesus' assistant, picking and choosing what "sins" are acceptable in the Bible, and using the Bible as a whip! WE can't afford anymore tearing down of our shared humanity. My advice: If your religion is causing you to spew out words of hate, judge, or look down on others because of who one loves then you need to change it. And fast. If the religion don't make you are more loving or better person, ditch it. But what do I know. My hope is that we ALL go into this new year considering for one moment that we don't have all the answers. My hope is that we become more understanding, less judgmental, more tolerate, and more patient with one another. Including me. HAPPY NEW YEAR. 🙏🏿❤

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