TikTok-COO outet sich als nicht-binär

Übers Wochenende bei den TikTok-Angestellten und nun bei der ganzen Welt: Mit einem sehr berührenden Tweet hat V Pappas, COO von TikTok, das öffentliche Coming Out als nicht-binär mit einem Update beim Namen und bei den Pronomen...

Via Twitter schrieb V:

1/ A personal update. I shared this to our TikTok organization over the weekend and wanted to bring visibility here as well.

2/ So what’s in a name? Hi all - a few of you have noticed that I have updated my personal pronouns both on lark and across socials so I wanted to share here with you all on why now and why it matters for me.

3/ As most of you know I take a lot of lessons from being a parent. Often my kids provide me with self reflection through their questions and own exploration of ideas. I am pansexual and raising my kids in a same sex household with my loving spouse of 20+ years...

4/ ... as a family we spend a lot of time talking about the importance of recognizing diversity across sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, age, socio-economic status, personal abilities, political backgrounds etc.

5/ And how, seeing and embracing differences, and enabling all voices to be heard, fosters a more inclusive community - the kind we aspire for our kids to grow up in.

6/ Most recently our conversation has focused on gender identity. In my personal life, I primarily go by V and more recently they/them.

7/Since representation matters, I recognize the importance of language in identifying & affirming gender differences. As a parent I also want to set an example on how its ok to represent yourself in a way that you most identify with & to have pride & to celebrate such difference.

8/ In my position I am also aware of how I have an ability to bring greater visibility, discussion and ideally acceptance within my community whether among work, family or friends. This is important to me.

9/ So while most of you know me as being fairly private as it relates to my personal life I did feel it important to bring my whole self to work and to share my gender identity and preferred pronouns. And through my actions show that difference is accepted and welcomed at TikTok.

10/ For those that know the C3 building you’ll know the mural I commissioned “Come as you are” on the 3rd floor. Words to reflect our goal of inclusivity.

11/ So how to best address me? I use both they/them and she/her as I still very much value my identity as being both a woman and non-binary. I don’t worry if you don’t use V or they/them all the time, but I do appreciate the effort to recognize my preferences. Thank you.